"Mistake" Revived
They found that a cosmological constant--a simple idea which Einstein
famously abandoned--is the favored explanation, while some other
proposals are ruled out.
From © 1999, The American Physical Society
of a star. Large stars die in supernova explosions, leaving
long-lasting traces like this remnant in the constellation
Cygnus (imaged here in the x-ray band). Recent observations
of very distant supernovae suggest that the Universe is expanding
at an accelerating pace and that all of space may be filled
with a repulsive "dark energy."
now say that the Universe is not only expanding, but the expansion
is accelerating with time. The most popular explanation is an exotic
"dark energy" that on a cosmic scale overcomes the tendency
to decelerate. In the 26 JulyPRL a team of cosmologists tries to
discriminate among various models for this mysterious energy by
combining several types of astronomical data. They found that a
cosmological constant--a simple idea which Einstein famously abandoned--is
the favored explanation, while some other proposals are ruled out.
the past few years, one of the central questions in cosmology was
the fate of the Universe: Will it expand forever, coast asymptotically
to a standstill, or eventually collapse in upon itself in a "big
crunch"? These options were always associated respectively
with so-called open (low mass), flat ("critical" mass),
or closed (high mass) models of the Universe, but now that dark
energy appears to exist, the possibilities are more complicated.
We could have a closed Universe that continues to expand, pushed
on by the mysterious repulsive energy, explains Saul Perlmutter,
of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in California.
dark energy is not a repulsion between particles of matter. It's
an energy that causes space itself to expand, and it may be related
to the sea of short-lived virtual particles that according to quantum
mechanics fills all of space. The most important characteristic
of the dark energy is w, the ratio of the pressure it imposes divided
by the dark energy density. w = -1 corresponds to the simplest model
for dark energy, the cosmological constant, an isotropic repulsive
term Einstein added to the equations for his theory of gravity for
consistency with the static Universe assumed at the time. He later
took the constant out, but it has reappeared several times since
then as cosmologists have attempted to explain one strange observation
or another.
constrain the value of w and thus discriminate among dark energy
models, Perlmutter and his colleagues used recent data of three
types: measurements of the small variations in the cosmic microwave
background; the density of galaxies over large distances; and the
expansion speed versus distance relations gained from observing
distant supernovae. They found that the combination leads to constraints
that are much stronger than any data set alone, favoring Einstein's
simple cosmological constant (w = -1), but allowing for a w as large
as -0.6. Other dark energy models the team found disfavored by the
data included ones invoking topological defects--microscopic barriers
in spacetime--and models where the outward pressure changes as the
Universe ages.
stresses that the research is still in "an early stage"--he
expects to discriminate more convincingly among models in the coming
years, as the many long-term observing projects currently underway
report more data. Joel Primack, of the University of California
at Santa Cruz, says that it's important to constrain w now that
dark energy seems to be a reality, and none of the models stand
out. "People had hoped that there would be some theory that
would be obviously more beautiful than alternatives," he says.
But Primack is not surprised by the results, since other types of
analyses have recently reached similar conclusions. The next problem
is to explain the origin of the mysterious energy. Although Primack
and others have in the past worked out detailed theories that included
a cosmological constant, "I always resisted the idea,"
he says, "because it's very hard to understand where it comes
from physically."
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