(Mar 21 - Apr 19)
The Fire element of Aries brings assertive "I" energy. This
is a flaming drive and the desire to do something! The Aries will is full
of tension and passion; the "I" brings a need for independence.
Aries coincides with spring time, when seeds germinate in an outpouring
of energy and growth. This sign as has an instinctive identity, early
extroversion, spontaneity, and a very direct approach. "Fire"
can rage out of control. Aries' cardinal-sign assertiveness can become
too willful. Then we have wild spring weather -- a storming nature and
a passion for power. Spontaneity can become impulsive -- as only a sign
ruled by energizing Mars can be! Balance comes by adding gentleness to
independence and by tempering the Self with self-awareness.
The Do's
and Don'ts for Aries
Aries are naturally active and vibrant people and they tend to like such
people too. You will have to increase your pace to be in step with them.
They like and appreciate frank and straightforward persons. With them
you can be your true self (but don't try your luck being over frank-they
are volatile). If you are in love with an Arien, then you have to show
your enthusiasm in all their activities (you can always yawn later!).
Do not tell an Aries that he/she may be wrong. Any such statement may
stir a storm in a teacup. Aries are very faithful and passionate lovers.
Do not give air to the smouldering fire within them by making them jealous.
No flirtation or fooling around with others in their presence unless of
course you wish to write your death wish (you will be granted!).